Hoffman Residence
Ivan R Ivanovic
Der etwas andere Tierschutz

In darkness stands the light of a Hero


There are days where it feels like it is too much,where you think, your heart cannot possibly break more than it already has, but an unexpected goodbye knocks the wind out of you and life reminds you, one more time, that there is no limit to how much a heart truly can break.


When time runs out and life doesn´t turn out how you have hoped, your heart is left with endless questions of could we have done more and ultimately was that what we did enough?

I hope so.... i pray so.....


A Hero, my Hero left today and will never be replaced.

It was your biggest dream that "Hoffman Residence" will shine one day.


We had the courage to face the unknown, the unshakable confidence that we´d do it together, that makes "the picture" so precious to us. But God had other plans.


You made me promise to continue our shared dream and so will Garasi always be our home, our fortress, our monument, knowing you always will be by my side watching over me.


The day on the 9th of February 2024 a light went out in Serbia, but in this darkness stands the light of a Hero, my Hero.





Mit diesem Projekt wollen wir unterstreichen, dass es auch Hunde ohne Auffälligkeiten im Tierschutz gibt, die eine zweite Chance in einer Familie verdient haben.

Wie sie aus unseren Berichten ersehen können, arbeiten wir mit Menschen zusammen, die durch langjährige Tierschutzarbeit in anderen Vereinen, Tierrechtlern mit wundervollen Hintergrundwissen in dem jeweiligen Land und Hundetrainern in verschiedenen Ländern vor Ort zusammen.

All diesen Personen ist eine langjährige Erfahrung und ständige Weiterbildung in ihren Bereichen eigen.

Die Meisten unserer Hunde gehen durch die Hände eines Hundetrainers, bevor sie in die Vermittlung gehen und danach in ihre Familien.

Wir sind bemüht, das Wissen über den Hintergrund ihrer Geschichte zu dokumentieren, ebenso wie umfangreiche Berichte über den jeweiligen Hund selbst abzugeben.

Hunde in ihren neuen Familien brauchen jedoch auch dort eine Zeit um ankommen zu dürfen und sich auf die jeweiligen Lebenssituationen einzustellen.

Zudem trägt der Familienverband und die Tagesgestalltung der Familienmitglieder zum prägungsähnlichen Verhalten unserer Vierbeiner bei.

Wir sind auch da weiter bemüht ihnen zur Seite zu stehen.

Ihre Team des Leonhard Ambrosius Tierschutzvereins

Life Belo- auf ein schönes Leben

Our Mission

Wir sind ein eingetragener Verein auf dem Balkan, der aus einer Gruppe von zertifizierten Hundetrainern, Tierrechtlern und Tierschützern besteht. Neben der Gründung des Tierschutzvereins haben wir eine Anlage gekauft, die wir in ein vorübergehendes zu Hause für unsere vierbeinigen Schützlinge umgebaut haben, ferner sind wir gerade dabei weitere Gebäude zu errichten. Wir haben die Erlaubnis zum Führen eines privaten Tierheimes nach den gesetzlichen Vorgaben mit Genehmigung der zuständigen Behörden unter Aufsicht der Veterinärverwaltung.


Hunde, die in einer anderen Umgebung aufgewachsen sind, kommen nach der Vermittlung in Haushalte, wo sie mit Liebe überschüttet werden, um das bisherige Unrecht wieder Wett zu machen.

Dabei wird oft nicht daran gedacht, dass dies für den Hund beängstigend sein kann.

Ein Leben auf der Straße, in einem Hof oder Garten, oder abgeschoben in einer Tötung stellten bisher andere Lebensumstände dar.

Um diesen Hunden und auch den späteren Familien zu helfen, haben wir eine Trainingsanlage gebaut und ein Hof erworben, den wir für unsere Zwecke umgebaut haben.

Dort lernen Hunde das Leben in einem zu Hause bevor sie in ihre Familien gehen.

Für die Rettung von Hunden arbeiten wir Weltweit mit Tierschützern länderübergreifend.



Our mission statement is to create a safe place for straydogs, to give them the best possible training, to enable them to live in a home with a family for life. 


For most of our furbabies it will be only a temporary home, for others it will be a forever home.

Our focus is on the safety of the animals entrusted to us, but also of the people who are willed to give one of them a forever home. 

Our actions are therefore characterized by a high safety standart, love, respect and appreciation for the other life.

In order to prepare the dogs as well as possible for their new life in a family they live in a place equal a home before they travel.

In this place is just love no matter how sick they are or which handycap they have.


One of our mainproject is to castrate dogs on the streets because twice a year when the mommies get birth to puppies owners throw them away in front of our gate or directly on different trash places in town, which we inspect every day to save their lives.


We have our own dogschool with a variety of different training options concerns to the needs of the dog in training.

All dogs will go through training before leaving the Sanctuary.

The trainers have completed various certified training courses and have many years specialist knowledge in training with animal welfare dogs.


Farther we have a boarding house if you need a save place for your furfriend.


We will give our best.

Let´s use the common spirit and work together to make these dreams for our friends come true.



Why so many puppies?

People often think it must be kind of a dubious work if an organization has mostly puppies on their homepage.
I am a lover of old dogs and whenever I found on in the streets I brought them home, gave them medical care and try to find them a home.

Some of my wonderful soul should find a forever home at the Leonhard Ambrosius Rescue because of their health issues keeping him from travel into another loving home. My lovely Sam was one of these souls, brought to my place with a huge tumor. The surgery saved his life just for a few months, but he will always be in my heart and an angel in the sky I will always think of.

Twice a year when mommies gave birth to new born puppies people throw them in front of our gate, sometimes 20 puppies a day. We cheque every trashplace in town at least once a day to find them behind the trash containers or even worth in the containers. Some of them just throw out on the mainstreet.
We are Christians and so never would let a puppy on the street to let them die there just because people dont respect life..
This is the reason we have so many puppies on our homepage and as long we cant reduce the not sterilized dogs on the street we always will have puppies to save their lives.

A few words about the founders of the Sanctuary:

" We fulfill our dreams, when we turn virtuals into reality"

Ivan is a well known and famous Animal Activist.

It was the 15 th of November 2021 when a friend from UK brought us together. Chris had the idea to buy a public shelter in Serbia, a misserable place where dogs starving to death of a lack of food and medical care. Locznika, in three years 3 dogs from almost 4000 survived this hell.

While talking  with Ivan over the messanger Chris found out that it might be possible in the United States but not in Serbia. They were talking about an hour about their backgrounds and  lifemissions and then it was clear within minutes, to start a project to not just fighting for the dogs lives than also build a save place where they can stay till they find their loving family.

"Every life has a value and its not measured in money,  its just measured in love."

Thats how our common journey started saving Dogs all over the World like Serbia, Kroatia, Spain, Hungaria, Romania, Bulgaria, France, Greece......

Ivan and Chris


































Leonhard Ambrosius Tierschutzverein, Boarding, Dogschool, Arandelovac 0